Global location of .bib file.

As in GNU/Linux, you can make texmf\bibtex\bib directory under the user’s profile directory (C:\Users\username).

mkdir ~/texmf
mkdir ~/texmf/bibtex
mkdir ~/texmf/bibtex/bib

The following is copied from the stackexchange entry:

  1. On Windows with TeX Live, make a texmf\bibtex\bib directory under the user’s profile directory (C:\Users\username by default on Windows Vista and higher).
  2. Place the .bib file in that folder.
  3. Place any custom bibliography styles in a texmf\bibtex\bst directory under the user’s profile directory.
  4. Pull up a command prompt, and run mktexlsr texmf from the profile directory (I don’t remember if TeX Live automatically has this in the path or not, so you may need to run it as C:\texlive\2011\bin\win32\mktexlsr texmf or similar instead).
  5. Write your documents wherever, and use the regular bibliography and related commands as usual. No need for paths, since your personal texmf tree will automatically be searched for support files.

Inverse search with LyX

  1. Set Tools > Preferences > Paths > LyxServer pipe to \\.\pipe\lyxpipe.

  2. In Document > Settings > Output, check Synchronize with output.

  3. Create a batch-file named lyxeditor.cmd and save it to one of the locations in your PATH Windows environmental variable:

    @echo off
    SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
    set file=%1
    set row=%2
    REM remove quotes from variables
    set file=!file:"=!
    set row=!row:"=!
    %comspec% /q /c (@echo LYXCMD:revdvi:server-goto-file-row:%file% %row%)> \\.\pipe\ \\.\pipe\lyxpipe.out

AutoHotkey Script

The above cmd works well, but it shows annoying black cmd window everytime when you invoke the script. With a simple AutoHotkey script, one can not only suppress this window, but also activate LyX windows after the inverse search.

Create a AutoHotkey script named lyx-inverse-search.ahk with the following code and save it to the same location to lyxeditor.cmd and compile it with AutoHotkey to generate lyx-inverse-search.exe:

SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
Run, lyxeditor.cmd "%1%" "%2%",, Hide
WinActivate, ^LyX:,,,

If you don’t have AutoHotkey installed, you can download the compiled exe.


  1. Download and install Sumatra PDF.

  2. In LyX go to Tools > Preferences > Paths and add the install location to PATH prefix. Most likely this is C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF.


    If you use Chocolatey to install Sumatr PDF, the PATH is C:\Chocolatey\bin

  3. In Tools > Preferences > File Handling > File Formats select PDF (pdflatex) from the list of formats and modify Viewer to the following:

    SumatraPDF -reuse-instance -inverse-search "lyx-inverse-search.exe \"%f\" \"%l\""
  4. If you don’t have the compiled AutoHotkey script from above, use the following:

    SumatraPDF -reuse-instance -inverse-search "lyxeditor.cmd \"%f\" \"%l\""


  1. In LyX go to Tools > Preferences > Paths and add the location of okular.exe to PATH prefix. Most likely this is C:\Program Files (x86)\KDE\bin

  2. In Tools > Preferences > File Handling > File Formats select PDF (pdflatex) from the list of formats and modify Viewer to:

    okular --unique
  3. In Okular, Settings > Configure Okular > Editor, choose Custom Text Editor and input the following:

    lyx-inverse-search.exe "%f" "%l"

    If you don’t have the compiled AutoHotkey script from above, use the following:

    lyxeditor.cmd "%f" "%l"


If lyxeditor.cmd or lyx-inverse-search.exe is not in your system PATH, then you have to specify the full path here.

Forward search with LyX


Forward search setting is easier. Make sure you have the PATH to Sumatra PDF in Tools > Preferences > Paths. Then in Tools > Preferences > Output > General, choose SumatraPDF -reuse-instance $$o -forward-search $$t $$n, which should be built-in.


If you have master and child document structure, the forward search only works when you compile the full document. If you only compile current child document forward search will not work.


okular --unique "file:$$o#src:$$n $$f"

Mendeley Settings

Tools -> Options -> BibTex, check Enable BibTeX syncing. Create one BibTeX file per collection. Path, put C:\Users\joon\texmf\bibtex\bib.